User Trackers' API endpoints

Tweet Binder’s User Trackers feature allows you to automatically take a snapshot of a twitter account stats periodically and to make queries against these snapshots.

Stats Payload

This is the tracker's information you will receive:

        "_id": 1703732400, 
        "tweets": 7968, // Total tweets sent by the account
        "followers": 1080, // Number of followers of the account
        "following": 1135, // Number of accounts the account follows
        "lists": 153, // Number of list the account is in
        "followersFollowing": 0.95, // Ratio between followers and following of the account
        "createdAt": 1703732627, // 
        "updatedAt": 1703732627

Fields, as shown in the previous example, are:

  • _id

  • tweets

  • followers

  • following

  • lists

  • followersFollowing

Create user trackers

It allows to create one or more trackers. You just need to pass user screen name (@username in twitter).

Endpoint: {{apiRoute}}/user-trackers/multi

	"alias": "osasuna"

When creating a tracker, the message will be

    "errors": [],
    "ok": [
            "alias": "osasuna",
            "resourceId": "37ca9cf9-369c-4857-8bd4-40116b7bf820"

List user trackers

It returns a list of user trackers documents.

Endpoint: {{apiRoute}}/user-trackers/me

Stop User Trackers

It stops selected trackers. After stopping a tracker your trackers balance will be restored. Know that when stopping a tracker, it will stop collecting information and that "uncollected" information cannot be recovered later.

Get User Tracker stats

It checks a tracker stats


There are three main parameters when checking tracker stats. By filtering a tracker by date, you can see how many followers it grew in that period. These parameters are:

  • startDate:

    • Unix time (seconds).

    • Reference date as start to get first stats doc

  • endDate

    • Unix time (seconds).

    • Reference date to get last stats doc

  • isTimeline

    • Optional, boolean

    • If it's false or undefined you will receive a response with two items. Account stats at startDate and accountStats at endDate

    • If it’s true you will receive a response with all the account snapshots between startDate and endDate.

Last updated